Below is a list of scholarships and grants offered annually. You will need to subscribe to our newsletter to receive a list of scholarships not necessarily given annually.
These will be sent as soon as they are announced by the relevant institutions, usually once a week.
The list below also includes organizations that grant scholarships. Be sure to familiarize yourself with eligibility conditions, what the scholarship covers, and application deadline.
Obtaining a scholarship or grant funding requires a good understanding of the application process and skill in making the application.
It also takes dedication, perseverance and patience. Most grants and scholarships require you to submit your application several months in advance of actual disbursement.
You must follow every little rule to the letter.
Please bear in mind that you must have the necessary qualifications as stipulated by the scholarship/grant providers.
Funds are sparse for undergraduate students (but not nonexistent).
Scholarships and funds become increasingly available as one goes up the scale to graduate student, post-graduate etc.
Main Scholarship and Grants Categories
Emergency Student Funds in UK...
.Engineering Scholarships
Erasmus Mundus Scholarships....
.How to Get a Scholarship
LLM Scholarships
Make Advance Africa Better!
MBA Scholarships
NGO & Organisation Grants
PhD & Masters by Research Scholarships
Public Health Scholarships
Scholarships & Grants FAQ
Scholarships for Africa
Scholarships For the Disabled - grants for the disabled
Scholarships for Muslims
Scholarships for Primary and High School students
Scholarships for African Countries
Scholarships for Refugees
Scholarships for Women
Travel Grants
Undergraduate Scholarships
***Long Scholarship and Grants List
30 Utrecht Excellence Scholarships
100% Full Fee Trust Africa Scholarships
AACC International Scholarships
AAUW International Fellowships
ACCES scholarship program
ACM International Collegiate Contest
Acumen Fund Fellows Program
Aerospace Russia Scholarships
Africa Scholarship Program, University of Steubenvill
African Economic Research Consortium Awards
Africa Educational Trust Undergraduate International Outreach Bursaries
African Fellows Programme
African Guest Writer Scholarship
African Graduate Fellowship, American University in Cairo
Africa Thesis Award
African Economic Research Consortium Awards
African Women Development Fund
African Women Public Service Fellowship
Aga Khan Foundation International Scholarship Programme
Agriculture Short Courses Scholarships
Agris Mundus Master in Sustainable Development - Agriculture Scholarships
Airey Neave Trust
Alfred Friendly Press Fellowships (AFPF)
Alzheimer's Disease Research Awards
ALJ Scholarship
Amy Rustomjee International Scholarship
Alpha Delta Kappa Scholarship
Altrusa International Foundation Grants
Ambassadors Girls' Scholarship Program
Amelia Earhart Fellowship Program
American Speech Language Hearing Foundation Scholarships
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation/ACLS Early Career Fellowships
Andrzejewski Memorial Fund
Art Moves Africa Grants
Ashoka-Lemelson Fellowship Program
Associated Board International Scholarships
Aubrey Sheiham Public Health and Primary Care Scholarship
Audio Engineering Society Educational Foundation
AW Howard Memorial Trust Travel Grant
AWAM - Association for Women in Aviation Maintenance Scholarships
AWS Foundation Scholarships
Australian Development Scholarships
Australian National University Undergraduate Scholarships
Barakat Trust and Bakarat Foundation Scholarships
Barratt Rotary Award - South Africa
Bat Conservation International Scholarships
Batonga Foundation Girls Scholarships
Beit Trust
Bentley Cropping Systems Fellowship
Berlage Institute Scholarships
Bernardin Scholars Program
Biomedical Repair Training Program
Birmingham Law School Scholarships
Birmingham Law School Master's in Law Scholarships
Boehringer Foundation Travel Grant
Borlaug Leadership Enhancement in Agriculture Program (LEAP)
BPP LLM Scholarships
British Ecological Society Overseas Fellowship Scheme
British Ecological Society (BES) Overseas Bursaries
British Federation of Women Graduates Foundation Grants
Broadlands Home Trust - UK
Bursaries for Overseas Undergraduate Students - University of Southampton
Christine Bolt Scholarship
CN Yang Scholars Programme
Canadian Window on International Development Award
Canon Collins Scholarship Programme
Catherine B Reynolds Foundation Fellowship
Centre Universitaire au Développement Scholarships
Charlotte Conservation Fellowships
Charlotte W Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowships
Charles Pick Fellowship
Chevening Scholarships
Chinese Government Scholarships
CIDA Conference Fund
Civil and Environmental Engineering PhD Scholarships
Commonwealth Foundation Grants
Commonwealth-Grenada St. George’s University Scholarship Program
Commonwealth Scholarships in South Africa
Commonwealth Shared Scholarships Scheme
Computing And Informatics PhD Scholarship
Constance McCullough Award
Coral Reef Conservation Project (CRCP)
Courage in Journalism Awards
Cranfield Scholarships
Crawford Fund Derek Tribe Award
DAAD Scholarships Programme
DAAD Scholarships for Artists
DAAD Study Scholarships for Foreign Students in USA
Dan David Scholarships
Dairy Industry Scholarships
Dean’s Prize Scholarships - USA
Developing Country Literacy Project Support Fund
DFID Shared Scholarship Scheme, Oxford University
Diageo African Business Reporting Awards
Diploma and First degree Commonwealth Scholarships
Diploma in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Scholarships
Directorate General for Development Cooperation Scholarships
Dissertation and Young Investigator Grants
Distance Learning Masters Scholarships - MSc in International Animal Health
Doctoral Research Award - Canada
Sustainable Energy Development Scholarships
Internship Programme
EADB Graduate Scholarship in Development Studies
Earth Science Masters Programme Scholarships
East Anglia Scholarships - UK
Echoing Green Fellowship Program provides seed funding
Economics Management of Network Industries Scholarships
Ecosystem Approaches to Human Health Training Award
Educating Africans for Christ Scholarships
Eiffel Scholarships, Masters and PhD
ELCA International Scholarships
Electric Power Engineering Scholarships - Chalmers University of Technology
Electronic and Computer Engineering Scholarships, Politecnico di Torino
Elizabeth Neuffer Fellowship
Elizabeth Nuffield Educational Trust Grants
Elva Knight Research Grant (funding available to students in African universities)
EMBO Short Term Fellowships
Emergency Small Grants Programme - UK
Emerging Leaders International Fellows Program
Endeavour International Postgraduate Research Scholarships
ENS International Scholarships - France
ENS Lyon Master Program International Scholarships
Environment, Food, Health and Technology Scholarships
Environmental Management MBA Scholarships
Equitas International Human Rights Training Program (IHRTP) Grants
Erasmus Mundus Masters Course in Applied Ethics Scholarships
Erasmus Mundus Masters in Journalism and Media Scholarships
Erasmus Mundus Master of Bioethics Scholarships
Erasmus Mundus Master Scholarships in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
Erasmus Mundus Scholarships for European Master in Industrial Management
Erasmus Mundus MA Audiovisual Translation Scholarships
Erasmus Mundus MSc in Photonics Scholarship
Erasmus Mundus Scholarships Programme
Eric Bleumink Fund Scholarship
European Grants for Masters Students in Advanced Robotics, Erasmus Mundus
European Masters in Clinical Linguistics Scholarships
European Masters in Informatics Scholarships
European Master in Nuclear Fusion Science and Engineering Physics Scholarships
European Masters Program in Language and Communication Technologies Scholarship
European Master of Science International Health Degree Programme
European Master in Vision and Robotics Scholarships
Ewha Global Partnership Program
Fellowship for Human Rights Defenders
Femmes Africa Solidarité Internships
Film and Fiction Scholarships
Film Your Issue Global Competition
First Weir Scholarship for Africa
Fisheries Scholarships
Five College African Scholars Program
Flemish Government fellowships
Flying Scholarships for the Disabled
Fondation Rainbow Bridge Scholarship
Food and Nutrition Security Training Scholarships
Friedrich Miescher Institute PhD Scholarships, Basel Switzerland
Fulbright Scholarship Awards
Full PhD Scholarships at the University of Padua, Italy
Full Scholarships for Dundee Research LLM Program
Fully Funded Prize PhD Studentships
Funded Postgraduate Diploma Courses - University of Aberdeen
Funded Postgraduate Opportunities, Waterford Institute of Technology - Ireland
Gates Cambridge Scholarship - Cambridge University
Genesis Job & Internship Positions in South Africa
Georgia Rotary Student Program, USA
Georgina Sweet Fellowship
Giulia Mereu LLM Scholarship
Global Health Scholarships
Global Journalism Scholarships, Sweden
Global LLM Study Bursaries
Globe Business College Munich Scholarship Programme
Goldman Sachs International Scholarship for MBAs
Google Australia Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship
Google Europe Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship
Google ICT Scholarship
Gordon R McCulloch Scholarship
Graduate Fellowships in Innovation Law and Policy
Graduate Scholarships in Reproductive Health Law
Graduate Scholarship for Non-Japanese Women to Study in Japan
Graduate Student Research Fellowship Awards
Graduate Women In Science Grants and Fellowships
Grants-in-Aid of Research Program (GIAR)
Guaranteed Scholarships in Finance
Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation Grants
Harvard Law School LLM Scholarships - Scholarship grants
Hauser Global Scholars LLM Scholarships
Hayek Fund for Scholars
HEC - EGIDE / EIFFEL Scholarships (Hautes Études Commerciales)
HEC - Forté Foundation Scholarships
HEC - Leopold Senghor Scholarships
HEC MBA Scholarships for Excellence
Helping Youth Through Educational Scholarships
Henigson Human Rights Fellowship
Higher Education Masters Programme in Africa Scholarships
Highway Africa Awards
Hodgkinson Postgraduate Scholarship, Oxford Brookes University
HTIR Internship Program - USA
Hubert Humphrey Fellowship Program - USA.
Human Rights Essay Competition
Human Rights Summer Institute
Human Rights Visiting Fellows Program
Humboldt Research Fellowships - Bonn-Bad Godesberg, Germany
Huygens Scholarship Programme, Netherlands
IAD Tuition Fellowship (Master's Degree Scholarship at Cornell University,USA)
Ian Wark Research Institute Scholarships
IATEFL Africa Scholarship
ICCR Scholarships, Government of India
IDRC Doctoral Research Award - Canada
IDRC Evaluation Research Awards
IDRC Internship Award
IFUW International Awards
IMD MBA Scholarships
Intensive Language Course in Germany Scholarships
Internships at International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Institute for Humane Studies Scholarships
Institute for African Development Travel Grants
International Dissertation Research Fellowships
International Erotic Art Competition
International Essay Contest for Young People
International Health Policy and Management Scholarships
International Fellowships Programme (IFP)
International Foundation for Science (IFS) Grants
International Leader of Tomorrow Award, The University of British Columbia
International Master in Digital Library Learning Scholarships
International Master in Management of Information Technology Scholarships
International Masters Programme in Environmental Studies and Sustainability Science
International MSc of Rural Development
International Graduate Student Fellowship Program
International Policy Fellowships
International Student House Residential Scholarships
International Student Humanitarian Award, University of British Columbia
International Student Loan Program - USA
International Training on Wetland Management Scholarships
International Undergraduate Student Scholarships
Internships Available in Kenya, East Africa etc
Islamic Development Bank Scholarship Programme
Israel Association Of University women
ISM Scholarship Programme - Tanzania
IITA-Lukas Brader Agriculture Scholarships
IWMI PhD Scholarship Program
Japanese Association of University Women (JAUW)
Jean Claude Reynal Scholarship
Jennings Randolph Peace Scholar Dissertation Fellowship
Jennings Randolph Senior Fellowships
JEMES - Joint European Master Programme in Environmental Studies Scholarships
John Bicknell Research Scholarship, Australia
John Henry Brookes International Scholarships
Joint European Master in Comparative Local Development Scholarships
Joint European Master in Space Science and Technology Scholarships
Josephine de Karman Fellowship Trust
Journalism Fellowships
Journalism and Mass Communication Scholarships
Jamaica Commonwealth Scholarship
Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program
Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Graduate Scholarship Program
Jean Claude Reynal Scholarship
Justice Initiative Fellows Program
J. Mayo Greenberg Scholarship Prize
Kala Singh Memorial Fund Sholarship
KAUST Discovery Scholarship
Kenya Schools Scholarship
King Faisal Foundation Scholarships
Kulika Scholarship Programme
Latin American School of Medical Sciences Scholarships
Law scholarships, Oxford University
LAWA Program LLM Scholarships
Leadership and Advocacy for Women in Africa (LAWA)
Leiden University Scholarships
Leiden University Fund Scholarships
Leiden University MA Scholarships - The Netherlands
Libertas Support Fund Scholarships
LLM in Human Rights Law Scholarships
LLM in Human Rights Law Scholarships - Sweden
LLM in Human Rights Law at the University of Ulster
LL.M Innovation, Technology and the Law Scholarships - The University of Edinburgh
LLM Scholarships
LLM Scholarship in Democratic Governance and Rule of Law - Ohio Northern University, USA
LLM Scholarships in Mineral Law and Policy - University of Dundee
LLM scholarships at Kings College London
L. S. B. Leakey Foundation Grants
LUMID International Master Programme in Development and Management Scholarships
Lindbergh Foundation Grants Program
Liverpool Law School LLM Bursaries
M.A. Economics of International Trade and European Integration Scholarship
MA in European Public Health Scholarships
MA in Human Rights Practice Scholarships
MA in International Relations Scholarships
MacDowell Colony Grants
Malaysian Commonwealth Scholarships
Management of Logistics and Transportation Scholarships
Mandela Magdalene College Scholarship
Mandela Scholarship Fund of Leiden University
Margaret McNamara Memorial Fund
Marjorie Dean Financial Journalism Foundation Studentships
Mary Isabel Sibley Fellowship
Masters and PhD Scholarships, Catholic Academic Exchange Service (KAAD)
Masters and Doctoral Scholarships - Ritsumeikan University (Japan)
Masters Course in Environmental Sciences, Policy and Management Scholarships (MESPOM)
Master’s Fellowships - USA
Master in Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion Scholarships
Masters in Strategic Project Management Scholarships
Master Peace and Conflict Studies Scholarship
Master of Law and Business Scholarships
Master of Science in Photonics Scholarships
Master of Nonprofit Organizations Scholarships (Mandel Scholarship, USA)
Master in Law and Economics Scholarships
Master's in Energy and Environmental Management and Economics Scholarships - Italy
Master's in Law scholarships at Kings College London
Masters in Microfinance Scholarships
Master of Science in Water Resources and Livelihood Security Scholarships
Masters Degree in Women's and Gender Studies Scholarships
Masters in Quality Technology and Management Scholarships
Masters in Security and Mobile Computing Scholarships
Master in Insurance and Risk Management, MIB School of Management of Trieste, Italy
Masters in Special Education Needs Scholarships
Master PhoenixEM Dynamics of Health and Welfare Scholarships
Masters Scholarships at The Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
Masters Scholarships in Optics
Masters Scholarships in Sweden
Mauritius Commonwealth Scholarship
MBA Scholarships
MBA Scholarships - Belgium
MBA Scholarships at Tilburg University - Netherlands
MBA Scholarships - Richard Metzler and Roland Berger AMCF Scholarships
MBA and MPA Scholarship by Management - Institute of Canada
McAfee School of Theology International Tuition Grants
Mechanical Engineering Scholarships
MediaTek International Student Fellowship
MIT Fellowships
Moabi Stipendium for African Botanists
Mohamedali Karimjee Trust
Monash Graduate Scholarship (MGS) - Australia
MSc Corona Fellowships
MSc Clinical Trials by Distance Learning Scholarships
MSc Fellowships at UNESCO - IHE Delft
MSc in Material Engineering Scholarships
MSc and MPH Public Health scholarships
MS and MBA Scholarships
MSC Atomic Scale Modelling of Physical, Chemical and Biomolecular Systems
MSc in Computational Logic Scholarships
MSc in Computational Logic Scholarships
MSc in Environmental Sanitation Scholarships - Ghent University Belgium
MSc in Public Health Scholarships
MSc Scholarship in Science and Technology
MSc Structural Molecular Biology Commonwealth Scholarships (Distance Learning)
Mundo Scholarship - Maastricht University
MSc European Forestry Scholarships (MSc EF)
MSc in Biostatistics Scholarship in Belgium
MSc Scholarships in Animal Breeding and Genetics
MSc Sustainability Scholarships
Munster Musical Trust Awards
Museveni Scholarship
National Water Research Institute Fellowships - USA
Nelson Mandela Scholarships
Nestle Foundation International Fellowship
Nestle Nutrition International Scholarship
New Zealand Commonwealth Scholarships
New Zealand Development Scholarships
Newby Trust
Nieman Fellowships
Nile Basin Initiative Scholarships
NNIA Scholarship Program
NOHA Joint European Master’s in International Humanitarian Action Scholarships
Novartis Foundation Bursaries
Norwegian Federation of University Women, Ellen Gleditsch’s Stipendiefond
North-South-Dialogue Scholarship Programme
Nursing Scholarships in Kidney Related Study
Nyenrode Scholarship Initiative, MSc and MBA Scholarships
Oak Foundation Grants
Occupational Health and Safety Scholarships
Olive Stone Law School Scholarships
Olive W Garvey Fellowship
Orphans of Rwanda
ORS Awards for Mphil/PhD students
Oslo Peace Scholarship
Oxford Brookes MBA Scholarships
P.E.O. International Peace Scholarship Fund
Peace and Security Fellowships for African Women
PhD Plant Breeding Scholarships
PhD Research Studentship Hydrodynamics
PhD Scholarship - Scotland
PhD scholarships - Ghent University Belgium
President’s Entrance Scholarship, The University of British Columbia
PhD scholarships for candidates from developing countries
PhD Scholarships for Developing Countries - Abroad
PhD Scholarships for Developing Countries - in Africa
PhD Scholarships in International Studies - University of Trento, Italy
Phenomena Academy Writing Scholarship
Pilot International Foundation Scholarships
Policy and Management Scholarships
Postdoc fellowships to non-EU researchers - Belgium
Post-doctoral Fellowships at National Institute for Agricultural Research
Post Graduate Fellowships for Sub-Saharan Africa Nationals
Postgraduate Research Scholarships in Italy, Università degli Studi di Torino
Postgraduate Research Studentship Opportunities at University of Liverpool
Postgraduate Funded Studentship
Print and Graphics Scholarship Foundation
Program Administrator West Africa
Project grant
Reach Undergraduate Scholarships - Oxford University
Refugee Academic Grants
Refugee and Asylum Seeker Scholarships
Researcher Exchange Programme
Research Scientists, Nairobi - Kenya
Research Scholarship - Practice-led PhD in the Arts
Research Scholarships for Lawyers from Developing Countries and Countries in Economic Transition
Research Scholarships for Lawyers
Various Science & Art Scholarships
Aga Khan Foundation International Scholarship Programme
Agris Mundus Master in Sustainable Development - Agriculture Scholarships
Alfred Friendly Press Fellowships (AFPF)
Amy Rustomjee International Scholarship
Alpha Delta Kappa Scholarship
Altrusa International Foundation Grants
Amelia Earhart Fellowship Program
American Speech Language Hearing Foundation Scholarships
Amity Teacher Program
Amity Intern Teacher Program
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation/ACLS Early Career Fellowships
Andrzejewski Memorial Fund
Ashoka-Lemelson Fellowship Program
Associated Board International Scholarships
Audio Engineering Society Educational Foundation
AWAM - Association for Women in Aviation Maintenance Scholarships
AWS Foundation Scholarships
Australian Development Scholarships
Australian National University Undergraduate Scholarships
AACC International Scholarships
AAUW International Fellowships
ACM International Collegiate Contest
Aerospace Russia Scholarships
Africa Thesis Award
African Graduate Fellowship, American University in Cairo
African Women Public Service Fellowship
College Scholarship Opportunities
Barakat Trust and Bakarat Foundation Scholarships
Barratt Rotary Award - South Africa
Bat Conservation International Scholarships
Beit Trust
Bentley Cropping Systems Fellowship
British Federation of Women Graduates Foundation Grants
Bursaries for Overseas Undergraduate Students - University of Southampton
Broadlands Home Trust - UK
Christine Bolt Scholarship
CN Yang Scholars Programme
Canadian Window on International Development Award
Canon Collins Scholarship Programme
Catherine B Reynolds Foundation Fellowship
Centre Universitaire au Développement Scholarships
Charlotte Conservation Fellowships
Charlotte W Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowships
Charles Pick Fellowship
Chevening Scholarships
Free Scholarships Here!
Higher Education Scholarships
Eiffel Scholarships, Masters and PhD
Electric Power Engineering Scholarships - Chalmers University of Technology
Elizabeth Neuffer Fellowship
Elizabeth Nuffield Educational Trust Grants
Elva Knight Research Grant (funding available to students in African universities)
Emergency Small Grants Programme - UK
Emerging Leaders International Fellows Program
Endeavour International Postgraduate Research Scholarships
ENS International Scholarships - France
ENS Lyon Master Program International Scholarships
Erasmus Mundus Masters Course in Applied Ethics Scholarships
Erasmus Mundus Masters in Journalism and Media Scholarships
Erasmus Mundus Master of Bioethics Scholarships
Erasmus Mundus Scholarships for European Master in Industrial Management
Erasmus Mundus MA Audiovisual Translation Scholarships
Erasmus Mundus MSc in Photonics Scholarship
Erasmus Mundus Scholarships Programme
Eric Bleumink Fund Scholarship
European Masters in Clinical Linguistics Scholarships
European Masters in Informatics Scholarships
European Master in Nuclear Fusion Science and Engineering Physics Scholarships
European Masters Program in Language and Communication Technologies Scholarship
European Master of Science International Health Degree Programme
European Master in Vision and Robotics Scholarships
Doctorate and Study Abroad Scholarships
Chinese Government Scholarships
Civil and Environmental Engineering PhD Scholarships
Commonwealth-Grenada St. George’s University Scholarship Program
Computing And Informatics PhD Scholarship
Constance McCullough Award
Coral Reef Conservation Project (CRCP)
Cranfield Scholarships
DAAD Scholarships Programme
DAAD Scholarships for Artists
Dan David Scholarships
Dean’s Prize Scholarships - USA
Developing Country Literacy Project Support Fund
DFID Shared Scholarship Scheme, Oxford University
Directorate General for Development Cooperation Scholarships
Dissertation and Young Investigator Grants
Doctoral Research Award - Canada
e8 Sustainable Energy Development Scholarships
e8 Internship Programme
Early Research Awards - USA
EADB Graduate Scholarship in Development Studies
East Anglia Scholarships - UK
Echoing Green Fellowship Program provides seed funding
ELCA International Scholarships
Economics Management of Network Industries Scholarships
Ecosystem Approaches to Human Health Training Award
Educating Africans for Christ Scholarships
Thanks for an idea, you sparked at idea from a angle I hadn't given thought to yet. Now lets see if I can do something productive with it.
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